Israel, Gaza and Australian politics: master lobbyist Mark Leibler reveals how power really works – Michael West

Mark Leibler

Financed by who? Does  he really represent the majority of Jews 70% of Israelis want Netanyahu sacked?

Why do they never quote what Israel’s leadership is actually saying domestically?


Keeping foreign minister Bob Carr in check, “watching” journalists at the ABC, lobbying prime ministers. Mark Leibler has a few tricks up his sleeve when it comes to power and influence. Jommy Tee and Michael West reveal the master lobbyist’s playbook in his own words.

Mark Leibler is the tax lawyer, Australian Jewish community leader and staunch Israel defender behind the initiative to get six former Australian prime ministers to sign a letter in favour of Israel in Gaza. Paul Keating, the notable living exception to this line of signatories, famously outed Leibler as the man behind the strategy.

Leibler has been an influential player in Australian politics for decades, a Zionist community leader with the ear of successive prime ministers and media chiefs.

On Monday night’s Q+A program on the ABC, Leibler – in his role as chairman of the Australia Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) – was involved in a tense debate on Israel and Gaza, which has reverberated on social media since. Much of the criticism centred around what many viewers believed was preferential treatment given to Leibler by host Patricia Karvelas over the UN and Palestinian representatives on the show.

Source: Israel, Gaza and Australian politics: master lobbyist Mark Leibler reveals how power really works – Michael West