John Mearsheimer and the decline of US hegemony – Pearls and Irritations

October 23 2023, John Meisheimer speaks in Brisbane at the Centre for Independent Studies (CIS). Image: supplied

“It’s important to understand that what’s happened is that the unipolar moment is in the rearview mirror. We are now in a multipolar world”

The US wasted the Unipolar moment fighting regime-change wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan and Somalia, destroying nations all across the Islamic world, generating massive refugee flows that are destabilising Europe, and causing massive hatred of the US within the Islamic world. One of the major US war aims in supporting Ukraine was to achieve regime change in Russia. Both China and Iran know that if that is achieved, they are next on the regime-change agenda, and this has solidified Russian support. And Putin’s popular support in Russia is over 80%, double Biden’s.

Imperial overreach has caused other empires to fall.

When it’s adjusted at the start of 2024, what time will the Doomsday clock show?

Source: John Mearsheimer and the decline of US hegemony – Pearls and Irritations