Gaza’s shock attack has terrified Israelis. It should also unveil the context

The scene where a rocket fired from Gaza hit and caused damaged in the Israeli city of Ashkelon, October 7, 2023. (Jamal Awad/Flash90)

Haggai Matar is an award-winning Israeli journalist and political activist, and is the executive director of +972 Magazine.

Contrary to what many Israelis are saying, and while the army was clearly caught completely off guard by this invasion, this is not a “unilateral” or “unprovoked” attack. The dread Israelis are feeling right now, myself included, is a sliver of what Palestinians have been feeling on a daily basis under the decades-long military regime in the West Bank, and under the siege and repeated assaults on Gaza. The responses we are hearing from many Israelis today — of people calling to “flatten Gaza,” that “these are savages, not people you can negotiate with,” “they are murdering whole families,” “there’s no room to talk with these people” — are exactly what I have heard occupied Palestinians say about Israelis countless times.

Yet I remember that everything that I am feeling now, which every Israeli must be sharing, has been the life experience of millions of Palestinians for far too long. The only solution, as it has always been, is to bring an end of apartheid, occupation, and siege, and promote a future based on justice and equality for all of us. It is not in spite of the horror that we have to change course — it is exactly because of it.

Source: Gaza’s shock attack has terrified Israelis. It should also unveil the context