Solar soars by 13%, Fossil Fuel use Plummets 17% in Europe in first 1/2 of 2023

At the energy think tank Ember, Matt Ewen and Sarah Brown have issued a new report showing that the use of fossil fuels in the European Union fell a remarkable 17% in the first two quarters of 2023, year over year. Indeed, hydrocarbons accounted for only a third of energy sources for electricity generation so far this year, an astonishing statistic.

The reduction in fossil fuel use was primarily owing to the abandonment of coal, which plummeted by almost a quarter (-23%) compared to the same period in the previous year. In May, 2023, the 27 nations of the European Union used coal to generate only 10% of their electricity, a record low unparalleled in recent years.

The use of fossil gas was also down, by 13%.

Source: Solar soars by 13%, Fossil Fuel use Plummets 17% in Europe in first 1/2 of 2023