Is PWC Australia a criminal organisation? – Pearls and Irritations

Wooden scales on a turquoise background.

Conspiracy Up Close and Political was seen to be applied by Abbott and Hockey when their Opposition Budgets were “verified” by “private audit” even before the 2013 election and it continued thereon after. It was a puzzling LNP challenge to our Democracy to cut the Treasury our Public Service out from being independent scrutineers of the political party budget numbers. Yet they got away with it.

Secrecy and the need to ensure natural justice for Peter Collins & other PWC Australia staff who received or used confidential information, prevents disclosure of the specific offences being investigated by the Australian Federal Police (AFP). But there will be no shortage of possible offences to investigate. They range from a breach of tax secrecy laws, making false or misleading statements, obtaining a financial advantage by deception, general dishonesty, to conspiracy to defraud the Commonwealth, and money laundering.

Source: Is PWC Australia a criminal organisation? – Pearls and Irritations