Don’t give me a home amongst the park trees – » The Australian Independent Media Network

Capitalism has no fundamental justification for its existence other than it’s better organized in keeping workers and families, individualized, locked out, and dependent. In many other countries workers and their unions have representation on corporate boards. However, not here. In Australia it’s war.

Slavery should have taught us the lack of long-term benefits of the Capitalist system years ago. The East India Company was the first corporate organization of workers who sold as products for profit, ” the slave trade”. It was a wholesale exploitation of labor the results of which we currently see in the housing crisis and the casual and precarious nature of work being offered to workers as a benefit, a blessing in expanded free choice and or leisure.

The solution, now being put forward to the current housing crisis is to “share” the space you once called home. Shrink it and share it with your unemployed kids and their families after all there’s a cost-benefit to the extended family. The catchphrase now is the benefit to be found in the extended family. A 180-degree turnaround is once again being peddled as better than the independence of the nuclear family but only if you’re poor, unemployed and there’s a shed out the back or bunk beds in your dining room. Capitalism will try to encourage you to socialize and invest and not the state in welfare or housing to save itself, without changing the system or taxing the rich. Anything to lower the cost of wages and maximize profits by making workers more desperate and become more like First Nation’s people to survive in this country. The gap at the bottom is closing

If circumstances change for some reason in the next 12 months, the person living in a tent under the bridge could be you or me next winter. In a developed and affluent society, a roof over a person’s head is a fundamental right – not a political plaything or a privilege. It’s time our politicians at all levels of government remembered that.

Source: Don’t give me a home amongst the park trees – » The Australian Independent Media Network