Opinion | Biden’s Middle East Policy Is Horrific. Trump’s Would Be Even Worse | Common Dreams

Trump and Netanhayu

Since the 1980’s Israel’s biggest fear was the development of a pan-Islamic state military coalition. Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen. With the help of America bringing down Gadaffi, invading Iraq twice they set themselves on a course of civil war invasion and any means to not let that happen. They have used the kingdoms and dictators to help that end. An Israeli psychosis has always been present. To say they were surprised by Oct 7th belies the reality that they with the blessing of America they actually encouraged the Hamas foray to capture hostages and gain both a bargaining chip and world attention. After all America warned them of what was coming down the pipeline and they claimed “We knew nothing” Their second most important export is SECURITY

If reelected in November, Trump is likely to renew his unqualified support for Israeli expansionism, not only when it comes to annexing the West Bank and resettling Gaza but also for a broader regional conflict that could unleash Israel against Iran and its allies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen.

Source: Opinion | Biden’s Middle East Policy Is Horrific. Trump’s Would Be Even Worse | Common Dreams

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