The Old Man with a Spray Tan – » The Australian Independent Media Network

We may learn more on June 27 when the two meet at a debate in Atlanta to be aired on CNN. Trump is likely to sound like the drunk pushing an empty grocery cart through your neighborhood and there is a chance President Biden could have a Mitch McConnell moment, and freeze, uncertain of where he is and what he was just saying. Trump can be expected to slur words, insult minorities, and, as he already did, even denigrate the city where his party plans to nominate him as its candidate for president. There will be no hiding for either man. Microphones will be muted when it is not their turn to talk and there will be no audience to applaud or defy moderators who order them to be quiet at all times. This will be two men, too old, in many ways, to be president of the United States. President Biden has been a good president and is a good man, but the electorate clearly has doubts about whether he is up to the job for another term. Trump, of course, is an angry, divisive, convicted felon, and nothing more. What are we left with if both of these men falter on the debate stage and prove neither is right for the job?

Go ahead, pray for America. Or wish. Or hope. Or yearn. Just do something that helps.


Source: The Old Man with a Spray Tan – » The Australian Independent Media Network

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